Legal Risk Management in Electronic Commerce | ||
Preface | ||
PrefaceThis doctoral thesis was submitted to the Faculty of Business Economics at Copenhagen Business School in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Research for it was carried out at the Law Department of Copenhagen Business School under the supervision of Professor Ruth Nielsen, dr.jur., to whom I am indebted for rewarding comments and discussions. I owe a great deal to Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen (CBS Department of Informatics), Professor Henrik Lando (CBS Department of Industrial Economics & Strategy), Professor Dr. Peter Mankowski (University of Hamburg), and Professor Jan Kabel (University of Amsterdam), who have all been helpful and inspiring in the process of shaping my project. I wish to express my gratitude to the forthcoming and knowledgeable people at the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam, where I carried out a substantial amount of research as guest researcher. I am grateful for financial aid from Copenhagen Business School, Inge von Müllens Fond, and FSRs Studie- & Understøttelsesfond that enabled me to do research abroad. I would like to thank my family, friends, and colleagues for helping me through the sometimes peculiar experience of writing a PhD thesis. In particular, I would like to express my thanks to my parents and my brother for their unfailing support, to Kim van Kaam and her family for all our positive experiences, to Professor Jan Kabel and Professor Bernt Hugenholtz for inviting me to the University of Amsterdam, to Professor Oren Bracha and his wife Tammi for their kind hospitality during my visit to the University of Texas at Austin, to Elvira Caneda Cabrera and Rosanne van der Waal for being my favourite librarians at the University of Amsterdam, and to Professor Erik Werlauff (Aalborg University) for encouraging me to pursue my interest in the legal aspects of technology back in 1996-97. Finally, I want to thank you, the reader, for taking an interest in my work. Your comments are most welcome. Hyperlinks and other references were last updated on 1 June 2005. Material, including case law, added after that date was not taken into consideration.
June 2005
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